We strive to create educational and marketing materials that reach the audience in a way that inspires action, dependability, and trust. 

We strive to create educational and marketing materials that reach the audience in a way that inspires action, dependability, and trust.

  • Sarah Probst Miller, DVM
    Sarah Probst Miller, DVM
    Creative Director and President
  • Brent Reese
    Brent Reese
    Chief Business Officer
  • Carrie Bodznick
    Carrie Bodznick
    Instructional Technologist and Photographer
  • Sara Hornback
    Sara Hornback
    Pork Avenue Training Portal Product Manager
  • Tim Higgins
    Tim Higgins
    Graphic Designer, Website Designer, Instructional Technologist
  • Amanda McGiles
    Amanda McGiles
    Writer and Editor
  • Bill Yauch
    Bill Yauch
  • Danil Massip
    Danil Massip
    Videographer, Spanish Output Editor
  • Megan Murphy
    Megan Murphy
    Scientific Editor, Aqua Subject Matter Expert
Sarah Probst Miller, DVM
Creative Director and President

What she does:

Dr. Sarah, our fearless leader, doesn’t see the world in black and white, she sees it in shades of turquoise and chartreuse. Her vision inspires and motivates us to think outside the box to create truly engaging and immersive products. It’s hard to meet Dr. Sarah and not be enthralled by her excitement about our company’s work. Watch one lesson on Pork Avenue Training Portal and you will feel the care Dr. Sarah has about the subject matter, the learner, and the wellbeing of the animals. Besides online video appearances, Dr. Sarah lectures frequently in person on teamwork, leadership, communication, engagement, and motivation. One recent learner describes Dr. Sarah’s speaking style, “You drew us in and captivated us. We will be better facilitators because of you.” Dr. Sarah has over 20 years of veterinary, production, and human development consulting experience. Her educational portfolio ranges from multimedia lessons and videos to a virtual gaming simulation to an on-farm course that teaches a task and gives learners the opportunity to teach the task to a variety of human behavioral styles.

Random facts about Sarah:

Dr. Sarah grew up on a pork and grain farm in Sigel, IL.

“I love to can tomatoes. I feel like I’m channeling Great Grandma Mary.”

Sarah’s favorite form of relaxation is organizing people to play music.

Sarah met her future husband when she was 14 years old.

Sarah is now over 40 but she likes to mention this award on the website so people think she is under 40. Recent awards: 10 under 40 Zoetis’ “10 under 40″ award program is designed to recognize 10 veterinarians under the age of 40 who are making significant contributions to swine medicine.


Sarah loves to go on dates with her husband, spend time with her kids, canoe, relax with piano, read, or write, and participate in local yoga and random group exercise classes at the YMCA.

Speaker’s Bio

Brent Reese
Chief Business Officer

What he does:

Brent is responsible for administrative, financial, and operations management. He oversees strategic planning in addition to budgeting, financial management, contracts, human resources, procurement, compliance, real estate, facilities, information technology and risk management. In short, Brent is the glue that holds everything together at AgCreate. He helps to keep everyone on schedule and on time, while throwing in a little humor at the same time. If you’re looking for Brent, he most likely is on Microsoft Excel at his computer.

Random facts about Brent:

If he were a superhero, he’d want to be Dr. Strange. Brent says, “I can identify with Dr. Strange’s journey from total arrogance to a place of coming to know there were things he didn’t know.”

If Brent were a cartoon character, he would most likely be Taz the Tasmanian Devil, largely because of his enormous appetite.


In his spare time, Brent likes to spend time with his four children and seven grandchildren. He enjoys cooking and eating!


Carrie Bodznick
Instructional Technologist and Photographer

What she does:

Carrie gets a special glint in her eye when she comes up with a new approach to learning. As a problem solver and “can do” person, she has a way of showing scientific material in a way that is visual, practical, and smart. Carrie understands our software and our learners and always finds a way to exceed the learners’ expectations. As a specialist in the human-animal relationship, Carrie’s photography has been spotted in marketing materials as far away as Canada, Australia and China and as nearby as the local creamery!

Random facts about Carrie:

Carrie is inspired by fresh ideas and perspectives, her children, a good book, fall weather, people with talents that she does not possess, a new coat of paint, those who give when they are in need.

If Carrie were a cartoon character, she would be Tinkerbell. “She is curious, adventurous and she takes risks. She fixes things and is an inventor. She has a male assistant. (I am woman, hear me roar!)”

“I dislike doing all things domestic…cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc…but I do them anyway. Every. Day. At least two times.”


Carrie enjoys running, boating, camping, having a drink in a fancy glass, watching rehab addict.

Sara Hornback
Pork Avenue Training Portal Product Manager

What she does:

Sara is the Product Manager for Pork Avenue Training Portal. She grew up in southwestern Michigan and received a B.S. in Animal Science from Michigan State University. She worked as a Pricing Analyst and Formulator for ADM Animal Nutrition and later served as the General Manager of an animal feed supplier.  She and her husband own Sunset Acres and supply locally grown beef and pork to the community (They raise the beef and buy the pigs from a local farmer).

Random facts about Sara:

Sara has two horses, Star & LA, and rides whenever she can. She also has two dogs, five barn cats, and a variable amount of cattle based on the time of year (anywhere between 4 and 30 head).


She is a big fan of murder mysteries, so if you look at her Netflix account, podcast playlist, or book list, it is pretty much all murder stories (some true, some fiction). Sara also enjoys vegetable gardening, and while she attempts to grow lots of flowers like her mother does, she says hers do not seem to grow quite as well.

Tim Higgins
Graphic Designer, Website Designer, Instructional Technologist

What he does:

When your boss says: “Can you make that pig talk?” your go-to guy is always Tim. Tim’s graphic design skills turn art into life and make things jump off the screen at you. Tim can take a pencil sketch, weave his magic and turn it into an animated cartoon that is exactly how you envisioned it…. only better. It might be easier to make a list of what Tim can’t do. With 20 years of design experience, Tim’s resume includes expertise in web design, e-learning, logos, print and packaging design, booth design, videography, photoshop, interactive advertising, animation, 3-D modeling, and more! We love Tim. Don’t try to take him. He is not for sale!

Random facts about Tim:

“My tongue is only 3/8 of an inch shy of tying the world record for width according to the 2011 Genesis Book of World Records the kids got at the library last week.”

If Tim were a superhero, he would be HeMan. “He and his batch of misfit friends gave me confidence that I would fit into the world.”

Tim is saddened when children are not loved . . . and when he runs out of beer.


Tim is an expert at grilling and smoking, having even competed in local competitions!

Amanda McGiles
Writer and Editor

Amanda McGiles

Amanda touches everything and that is good. We happily fill Amanda’s days with time to meticulously review copy, test learning experiences functionality, comb videos for editorial needs, write DESLO’s (our now famous Desired End Skill Learning Objective outlines), coordinate marketing materials, and lend a guiding hand to multi-language training outputs. Most recently she has assisted in some project management tasks, which has been helpful as she has a golden organizational gene to help keep all the balls in the air and headed to the right people.

Amanda McGiles attended Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, graduating with a degree in Agriculture Systems and Education, and a specialization in Agriculture Communications. She holds a minor in Horticulture.

Random facts about Amanda:

Amanda is an awesome listener and implementor and if she is having bad thoughts about you, she never says them aloud which is super nice.

Amanda doesn’t cuss at work, but she giggles when other people infrequently and accidentally let an expletive slip.


When she is off the clock, Amanda enjoys spending time with her son, Harvey, gardening, and crafting.

Bill Yauch

Bill Yauch – Videographer

Bill’s career in broadcasting began during his seven and a half years of active duty in the United States Air Force. His first day was April 1, 1981, to be exact. He was a photographer, reporter, editor, producer, and director for nightly newscasts, weekly public affairs show, and a monthly newsmagazine. Bill was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal, five Department of Defense Thomas Jefferson awards, and five Air Force Media Contest awards. After serving his country, Bill continued his career in communications at an ABC, and later a CBS, affiliate as a photographer, reporter, and producer. His experience led to a two-year appointment as an Adjunct Professor in Video Production at Millikin University. Bill has continued his professional growth in broadcasting, fulfilling the roles of writer, designer, graphics artist, videographer, and editor for projects ranging from ad agency commercial work to training/informational projects and marketing videos and has worked extensively for the International Society of Arboriculture for the last 18 years.

Danil Massip
Videographer, Spanish Output Editor

What he does

Danil brings a Latin American cultural expertise to our creative team. With a Masters in Spanish Literature from the University of Illinois and a Bachelor in Cinematography from the University of Arts in Havana, he works as a video producer and Spanish language specialist at AgCreate. His work as a filmmaker led him to make documentaries throughout his homeland, Cuba, as well as in indigenous and peasant communities in the Peru-Bolivian, Amazon, and Andean highlands. As a cinematographer, he has shot for various production houses in Lima and Havana crafting the image of advertising spots and corporate videos for TV and internet. Recently, he worked as a cameraman and videographer at WILL-TV (PBS), and for the UIUC Education Department.

Random facts about Danil:

Danil loves potlucks and always prepares “tostones Cubanos” (fried green plantains) for a potluck meal.

Danil dreams about living by the sea and having horses.


In his free time, Danil likes to spend time with his wife trying new recipes, taking a walk, urban photo-explorations, and outdoor activities. Danil enjoys writing audiovisual projects and planning ideas for photo and video shoots.

Megan Murphy
Scientific Editor, Aqua Subject Matter Expert

What she does:

On AgCreate’s team, Megan serves as our aqua expert and employs her scientific background to the editorial review process to ensure products are professional, scientifically accurate, and customer ready.

Megan specializes in biological oceanography and environmental science which she has been pleased to use quite frequently even in the land-locked interior of central Illinois with our salmon and tilapia culture of care projects.

Random facts about Megan:

She has spent years doing estuarine research, education, and outreach in Homer, AK and most recently directed a community-wide wellness collaboration before moving back to IL. In addition to working for AgCreate, she and her family own and operate a perennial flower and medicinal herb farm in White Heath, IL.


Megan loves learning and has a vast ocean of plants to study on her farm. Besides ample farm and farmhouse projects, Megan, alongside her husband and their two children, make sure they allow time for play.